The European Space Forum 2024

Event Overview

European Space Forum 2023

The European Space Forum returned to Brussels in June 2024, once again bringing together key industry leaders, policymakers, and experts for 2 full days of face-to-face debate. With vital discussions currently taking place around the future of the EU Space Law and other important policy initiatives, this is a crucial period for the future shape of the space sector in Europe. The conference provided a platform for multi-stakeholder discussions around the path towards the EU Single Market for Space; as well as focussing more broadly on strategic pillars such as sustainability, resilience, competitiveness, economic security and on ensuring long-term autonomous access to space.

Sessions throughout the event were discussion-based and interactive, with speakers and audience members encouraged to speak freely, challenge each other and pool ideas.

European efforts continue to unlock the boundless possibilities of space and its capacity to drive progress and improve well-being for people and communities globally. Be part of the discussions on the path ahead and on shaping a strong and sustainable European space ecosystem for the benefit of all.

Key Discussion Themes

Space Sustainability

Ensuring long term autonomous access to space

IRIS² and Secure Space Based Connectivity

EU Space Law & a single market for Space

Europe's economic security on the global stage

Delivering EU Competitiveness in Space

Harnessing the power of space data

Space, Security and Defence

A Look Back at the 2023 Event


Timo Pesonen

Timo Pesonen

for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS)


Thomas Dermine

Thomas Dermine

State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments

Government of

Orsolya Ferencz

Orsolya Ferencz

Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research

Government of Hungary

Aarti Holla Maini

Aarti Holla Maini


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Josef Aschbacher

Josef Aschbacher

Director General


Eva Berneke

Eva Berneke

Vice Chair



Eutelsat Group

Rodrigo da Costa

Rodrigo da Costa

Executive Director


Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß

Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß

Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence

European External Action Service (EEAS)

Toni Tolker-Nielsen

Toni Tolker-Nielsen

Acting Director of Space Transportation


Julie Kearney

Julie Kearney

Chief, Space Bureau

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Christophe Grudler

Christophe Grudler

Member & Rapporteur on the EU Secure Connectivity Initiative

European Parliament

Niklas Nienaß

Niklas Nienaß


European Parliament

Isabella Poldrugo

Isabella Poldrugo

Acting Head of Unit, Space Policy, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Olivier Lemaitre

Olivier Lemaitre

Secretary General


Marc Serres

Marc Serres


Luxembourg Space Agency

Alexander Reissner

Alexander Reissner

CEO & Founder


Anabelle Fonseca

Anabelle Fonseca

Senior Administrator, External Relations


Andrew Williams

Andrew Williams

External Relations Officer


Policy Lead


Charles Galland

Charles Galland

Policy Manager


Charlotte Lang

Charlotte Lang

Public Affairs Manager


Chiara Manfletti

Chiara Manfletti



Christine Klein

Christine Klein

Head of Industrial Policy & Auditing Department


Christine Leurquin

Christine Leurquin

SVP, EU Space and Defence Strategy


Dinka Dinkova

Dinka Dinkova

Deputy Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Enrique Fraga

Enrique Fraga Moreira

General Manager
for Space Systems


Frank Monteny

Frank Monteny

Director General, Research and Space

Belgian Science Policy Office, Federal Science Policy

Gerasimos Sofianatos

Gerasimos Sofianatos

Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy, DG CONNECT

European Commission

Gisela Süss

Gisela Süss

Head of the Legal Services Department


Guillaume de La Brosse

Guillaume de la Brosse

Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Hermann Ludwig Moeller

Hermann Ludwig Moeller


European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Isabelle Mauro

Isabelle Mauro

Director General

Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)

Javier Izquierdo

Javier Izquierdo

Chief Strategy Officer


Jeremy Wilks

Jeremy Wilks

Science Reporter


Jérémie Godet

Jérémie Godet

Jérémie Godet, Head of Unit for Secure Connectivity & Space Surveillance, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Jolanda Van Eijndthoven

Jolanda Van Eijndthoven

Head of Unit for Space Data Economy and International Cooperation,

European Commission

Joost Elstak

Joost Elstak

VP Missions - Europe


Jordi Casanova Tormo

Jordi Casanova Tormo

Head of Telecom & Space, EU Public Policy


Koen Willems

Koen Willems

Vice President, EU Programs & Government Relations

ST Engineering iDirect (Europe)

Kristina Nikolaus

Kristina Nikolaus

CEO and Co-Founder


Linda Van Duivenbode

Linda Van Duivenbode

Director & Board Member


Loïs Miraux

Loïs Miraux

Space Sustainability Expert

Luciana Camargos

Luciana Camargos

Head of Spectrum


Marjolijn van Deelen

Marjolijn van Deelen

EU Special Envoy for Space / Head of Division for Space

European External Action Service (EEAS)

Mariella Graziano

Mariella Graziano

Executive Director, Flight Segment - Aerospace


Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson

VP Space Segment


Mauro Facchini

Mauro Facchini

Head of Unit, Earth Observation, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Michael Chang

Michael Cheng

Board Member

The Earth∞Space Sustainability Initiative (ESSI)

Natalia Vicente

Natalia Vicente

VP Public Affairs

Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)

Nicolaus Hanowski

Nicolaus Hanowski

Head of Mission Management & Ground Segments Department, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes


Pascale Ultré-Guérard

Pascale Ultre-Guerard

Strategy Deputy Director


Pierre-Alain Bosc

Pierre-Alain Bosc

Regional Head of Sales for the GeoIntelligence program line

Airbus Defence and Space

Phil Evans

Phil Evans



Raúl Verdú

Raúl Verdú

Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer

PLD Space

Rolf Kozlowski

Rolf Kozlowski

Managing Director


Sara Dalledone

Sara Dalledonne

Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs

European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Major General Stefano Cont

Stefano Cont

Director, Capability, Armament and Planning (CAP)

European Defence Agency (EDA)

Stela Tkatchova

Stela Tkatchova

Programme Manager for Space

European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

Steven Krekels

Steven Krekels

Director of Valorisation, Environmental Intelligence


Tomas Hrozensky

Tomas Hrozensky

Senior Researcher and Lead on European Engagement

European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Walter Ballheimer

Walter Ballheimer


Reflex Aerospace

Yasrine Ibnyahya

Yasrine Ibnyahya

Senior Director Advanced Concepts and Technologies


Yohann Bénard

Yohann Bénard

Public Policy Director,
EU Digital & France



Note: All timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).

Day 1
Day 2
09:00 - 09:10
Setting the Scene
Setting the Scene image
Hermann Ludwig Moeller
Director, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
09:10 - 10:45
Session 1: Keynote Presentations
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Timo Pesonen
Director-General for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS), European Commission
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Aarti Holla Maini
Director, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Thomas Dermine
State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments, Government of Belgium
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Orsolya Ferencz
Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research, Government of Hungary
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Rodrigo da Costa
Executive Director, European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Josef Aschbacher
Director General, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Eva Berneke
Vice Chair, Global Satellite Operator's Association (GSOA)
Session 1: Keynote Presentations image
Hermann Ludwig Moeller
Director, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
10:45 - 11:10
Morning Refreshments
11:10 - 12:15
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race

The space economy is evolving like never before. An unprecedented amount of public and private investment is going into new constellations leading to a renewed space race, and, causing concern for governments the world over about the sustainability of space for future generations. The boom in satellites being launched into space was arguably foreseeable a decade ago. This led to the adoption of the Long-Term Sustainability Guidelines by the UN in 2019. Yet the world remains far from agreeing on a binding set of norms and regulations that are vitally needed if the risks resulting from congestion in space are truly to be mitigated. Voluntary initiatives such as Charters and Sustainability Ratings continue to emerge but risk falling short of making a tangible difference. The European Union however is pioneering an approach that could put Europe at the forefront of binding regulation. The proposed EU Space Law (EUSL) is set to provide potentially binding measures (rules) and non-binding measures (labels) for the development of sustainable activities in space.


  • What work is already taking place to boost space sustainability efforts, and how might the binding and non-binding measures within the proposed EUSL impact this?
  • How can the EUSL drive Europe’s role as a responsible and leading space player? 
  • How can the full benefits of this be leveraged and how can it be ensured that the emphasis on sustainability in Europe helps to differentiate it from competitors and boost rather than compromise its competitiveness in the global space race?
  • Can the EUSL be a model for global regulation and how do non-European policymakers perceive it? 
  • How are European stakeholders working with global counterparts to facilitate the international cooperation, discussion, and agreements that are vital to the delivery of a sustainable space ecosystem?
  • How valuable are voluntary codes of conduct, charters and ratings in enabling space sustainability?
  • Alongside the EUSL, what other actions or initiatives are needed to ensure a sustainable future for space exploration and development? How can stakeholders work together to achieve these goals?
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Guillaume de La Brosse
Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Gisela Süss
Head of the Legal Services Department, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Eva Berneke
CEO, Eutelsat Group
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Chiara Manfletti
CEO, Neuraspace
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Jordi Casanova Tormo
Head of Telecom & Space, EU Public Policy, Amazon
Session 2: Space Sustainability – Binding Regulation -v- The Space Race image
Sara Dalledonne
Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
12:15 - 12:30
Thinking Point: Space Sustainability – Lessons Learnt and the Road Ahead
Thinking Point: Space Sustainability – Lessons Learnt and the Road Ahead image
Mark Dickinson
VP Space Segment, Viasat
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:35
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain

The EU finds itself at a crucial junction concerning its leadership in the space domain. Over the past years, and against a background of intensifying geopolitical tensions, the European Union dependency on space-based technologies, components and advanced materials has been-increasing, feeding a profound reflection on our global economy, national security, and everyday lives. This session will look at the actions that need to be taken to ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of the European space industry. It will explore the importance of fostering a culture of innovation, resilience and collaboration among European space stakeholders, ensuring a steady flow of investment into cutting-edge technologies, and streamlining regulatory processes to accelerate the development and deployment of new space capabilities. As we navigate the complexities of an emerging space race, the European space industry stands at a crossroads. How can we ensure that we take the right path and ensure a secure, sustainable and resiliant European Space Supply Chain that continues to support our economic prosperity, delivering societal well-being and global leadership?


  • What are the key vulnerabilities and threats to the European space supply chain and what needs to be done to efficiently address these?
  • What work is already taking place to tackle these and increase resilience in the sector? What has been achieved to date and what lessons have been learned?
  • How can Europe leverage its strengths in areas such as engineering, research, and manufacturing to gain a competitive edge in the global space market?
  • What investments are needed to develop a more resilient and self-sufficient European space industry? What role can both public funding and private investment play?
  • What role can SMEs and new space players take in ensuring the long term competitiveness and resilience of the European space sector and what needs to be done to foster innovation and collaboration amongst these key groups?
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain image
Christine Klein
Head of Industrial Policy & Auditing Department, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain image
Marc Serres
CEO, Luxembourg Space Agency
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain image
Alexander Reissner
CEO & Founder, Enpulsion
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain image
Olivier Lemaitre
Secretary General, Eurospace
Session 3: Delivering Economic Security – The path to a self-reliant European space supply chain image
Isabelle Mauro
Director General, Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)
14:35 - 15:40
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe

Autonomous access to space is a prerequisite for European strategic autonomy and an indispensable element in the European space ecosystem, without which there is no autonomous space policy. The retirement of Ariane 5 in July 2023 coupled with delays to Ariane 6 and Vega-C temporarily left Europe without this key independent access to space. Europe has since navigated these hurdles to regain its autonomous launch capabilities, but in the interim period, there was a need to turn towards non-European launch service providers. This session will look at lessons learnt from this situation and from current and past launcher programmes, and at measures that are put in place to ensure long term and permanent autonomous access to space for Europe going forward. It will look at how policy is evolving and at the important role that a more competitive launcher ecosystem and the introduction of new space players can play as part of this solution.


  • What were the factors that led to the European ‘launcher crisis’, and what actions have been taken to remedy it?
  • How can Europe learn from other international launcher models but also leverage our own strategic strengths to compete in the global launcher ecosystem and realise non-dependent access to space?
  • What is being done to accelerate European launchers to the launchpad? 
  • What role can institutional actors play as part of this? What other innovative new launch systems are being seen and how important is ensuring fair competition in order to meet the goal of efficient and financially sustainable access solutions?
  • How important is it for Europe to have its own reusable launch vehicle to enable it to compete on the global stage? What progress is being made in this area?
  • What does a successful European launcher policy look like? How can Europe meet its own needs, what specifications need to be met?
  • How can European policies help to ensure a more competitive European launch industry?
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe image
Isabella Poldrugo
Acting Head of Unit, Space Policy, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe image
Toni Tolker-Nielsen
Acting Director of Space Transportation, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe image
Raúl Verdú
Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer, PLD Space
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe image
Charlotte Lang
Charlotte Lang, Public Affairs Manager, Arianespace
Session 4: Ensuring long term autonomous access to space for Europe image
Olivier Lemaitre
Secretary General, Eurospace
15:40 - 16:05
Afternoon Refreshments
16:05 - 16:20
Thinking Point
Thinking Point image
Philip Evans
Director-General, EUMETSAT
16:20 - 17:25
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future

Space data provides a unique viewpoint to understand the Earth and the accelerating change we’re experiencing in a variety of different areas – climate, biodiversity, infrastructure, land use and more. Fueling a suite of Earth system modelling tools and services, space data is a central part of how we monitor and protect our environments, as well as how we increase resilience in areas such as disaster management, risk prevention, civil protection. These are all areas in which Europe has been at the forefront of through its Copernicus programme. One area in which the full potential of space data is arguably still to be realised however is the development of the private market. Whilst some examples are being seen of space data contributing to digitalisation across vertical sectors such as automotive, agriculture and maritime, the explosion of use cases and vast commercialisation of space data to deliver economic growth that was hoped has arguably not yet been delivered. This session will explore the long term future of space data and what needs to be done to harness the huge value that it offers across both the public and private sectors. It will look at the impact that it has already made in helping to tackle climate change and increase resilience, and at the work that still remains to be done in order to push growth in the private market for space data and more broadly to maximise the vast economic and societal potential that exists.


  • How has the availability and accessibility of space data transformed our understanding of Earth’s environment and sustainability challenges; and to increase resilience and security?
  • How can space data be effectively integrated into decision-making processes to promote sustainable practices at member state, European and global levels?
  • What role is space data playing in supporting the decarbonisation and digitalisation of industries, such as mobility sectors, as well as across the economy? 
  • What success has there been in commercialising space data? To what extent is a private market emerging?
  • What obstacles are potentially hindering progress in this area and what potential exists to further commercialise space data in order to drive economic growth? 
  • How can space players work alongside business leaders across different sectors to highlight the potential of space data and the use cases that it can provide in order to unlock new value for businesses?
  • How can we harness the potential of emerging space technologies, such as cloud technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning to increase the impact of space data and boost the private market?
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Mauro Facchini
Head of Unit, Earth Observation, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Nicolaus Hanowski
Head of Mission Management & Ground Segments Department, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Pascale Ultré-Guérard
Deputy Director for Programs, Strategy Directorate, CNES
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Steven Krekels
Director of Valorisation, Environmental Intelligence, VITO
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Pierre-Alain Bosc
Head of Regional Sales, Airbus Defence and Space
Session 5: Harnessing the power of space data for a more sustainable and prosperous future image
Jeremy Wilks
Science Reporter, Euronews
17:25 - 18:25
Cocktail Reception
09:15 - 10:20
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions

As the demand for space services explodes, policymakers and industry representatives face the critical challenge of reconciling this growth with the urgent need to protect our planet and the environment around us. This session will discuss the challenges ahead, and look at the different policy and technology solutions that are available to ‘green’ space activities and reduce the environmental footprint of manufacturing and launching. It will look at how advancements in areas such as resource-efficient materials, cleaner fuels, and debris mitigation strategies are being used to help solve the problems, and at how Europe can work alongside like-minded international partners to ensure the realisation of our space objectives while minimising the impact on the planet.

Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Stela Tkatchova
Programme Manager for Space, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Andrew Williams
External Relations Officer, European Southern Observatory (ESO); Policy Lead, International Astronomical Union Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Skies from Satellite Constellation Inference (IAU CPS)
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Kristina Nikolaus
CEO and Co-Founder, OKAPI:Orbits
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Michael Cheng
Board Member, ESSI
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Mariella Graziano
Executive Director, Flight Segment - Aerospace, GMV
Session 6: Greening the Space Sector – Exploring technology and policy solutions image
Loïs Miraux
Space Sustainability Expert
10:20 - 10:45
Morning Refreshments
10:45 - 11:50
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity

The satellite-powered Direct-to-Device (D2D) market is emerging as one of the next big things for the telecommunications sector and is seen as offering huge potential opportunities for the satellite industry. Under this new model of converged connectivity model, a satellite operator would partner with a terrestrial mobile operator to provide connectivity services directly to an off-the-shelf mobile device in areas where the terrestrial carrier lacks coverage. This session will look at the potential that D2D and hybrid connectivity offers, the market that is developing and the opportunities that it could offer for European players. It will examine the technological and regulatory challenges that need to be addressed are being seen in areas such as spectrum access and licencing, and at what needs to be done in order to overcome these and ensure that the potential of this new integration of multi-orbit satellite with terrestrial networks is realised.


  • What opportunities does the emergence of the D2D market offer satellite operators and the broader space community in Europe? Do terrestrial operators see this as a threat or opportunity?
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of European players compared to global competitors in the D2D space? How can they position themselves for success?
  • Is D2D feasible in Europe, given the relative density of terrestrial networks and required cross-border coordination? 
  • Does D2D require pan-European operator(s), can the Commission play a role to enable this?
  • How large could the market get and is the current hype that is being seen justified?
  • What market players, use cases and drivers are emerging and how are these set to evolve as the market grows and technologies mature?
  • What different business models and approaches are being seen, and ultimately will one model dominate the market? 
  • Will the long term future remain in the lower throughput messaging and text communications that are seen today or will a move be seen towards higher bandwidth and more demanding applications such as voice and video streaming? What new challenges would this bring?
  • What different models and strategies are being proposed in order to provide access to the spectrum that is required in order to deliver these new converged services? 
  • What technical and regulatory challenges are posed by using either spectrum that has been allocated and licensed to partner MNOs or spectrum that has been already allocated for satellite services?
  • What are the pros and cons of each approach, and ultimately will one approach become dominant?
  • How can regulatory frameworks be adapted to facilitate D2D development while ensuring fair competition and protection for other users?
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity image
Gerasimos Sofianatos
Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy, DG CONNECT, European Commission
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity image
Julie Kearney
Chief, Space Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity image
Luciana Camargos
Head of Spectrum, GSMA
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity image
Yasrine Ibnyahya
Senior Director Advanced Concepts and Technologies, Viasat
Session 7: The Future of Converged Connectivity – Unpacking the challenges and opportunities of direct to device and hybrid connectivity image
Natalia Vicente
VP Public Affairs, Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)
11:50 - 12:55
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond

As Europe’s reliance on digital infrastructure grows, so does the importance of having access to reliable, secure and resilient connectivity. This recognition from European policymakers of the need for a “…sovereign, autonomous and secured connectivity infrastructure” was the genesis of IRIS², the newest flagship of the European space programme. This session will discuss the current state of play with IRIS², but also look at Europe’s broader strategy to address evolving cyber threats in space, and examine how technological advancements in things like quantum encryption are playing a part in this. It will discuss the crucial link between secure connectivity, and European autonomy and prosperity; and look at the path ahead for IRIS², the challenges that need to be overcome, and at the best way forward for the public and private sectors to come together to deliver the secure connectivity framework that is a vital cog in the delivery of a competitive and collaborative European space sector; and a safer, more sustainable, and prosperous future for all.


  • How important is the delivery of a secure connectivity programme to Europe’s overarching space objectives? 
  • What is the state of play with IRIS² and what challenges are being faced? Are we on track to reach the broader goal of full operational capability by 2027?
  • Beyond IRIS², what other initiatives are underway to bolster Europe’s cyber defences in space? What collaboration can be expected between the IRIS² consortium and other companies who are providing secure connectivity services to the EU market? 
  • Where does the balance lie between ensuring autonomy and leveraging technical collaboration with external partners and organisations to deliver on Europe’s security goals?
  • How can European stakeholders leverage advancements in quantum encryption and other emerging technologies in order to enhance security of communications?
  • To what extent can the collaborative and inclusive approach that is being taken with IRIS² help to drive forward innovation across the broader supply chain in Europe?
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Christophe Grudler
Member & Rapporteur on the EU Secure Connectivity Initiative, European Parliament
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Jérémie Godet
Head of Unit for Secure Connectivity & Space Surveillance, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Koen Willems
VP of EU Programs and Government Relations, ST Engineering iDirect (Europe)
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Enrique Fraga
General Manager for Space Systems, GMV
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Walter Ballheimer
CEO, Reflex Aerospace
Session 8: Space for a Secure Europe: From IRIS² to Quantum Encryption and Beyond image
Jeremy Wilks
Science Reporter, Euronews
12:55 - 14:05
14:05 - 14:15
Thinking Point: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence
Thinking Point: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence image
Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß
Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence, European External Action Service (EEAS)
14:15 - 15:00
Session 9: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence

In a context of growing geopolitical tension, space is becoming increasingly contested.  The Commission and the EEAS adopted the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence (EUSSSD) in March 2023, with the European Council adopted conclusions on this in November 2023. The conclusions aim to secure European sovereignty through the application of space-enabled systems, reinforcing tier resilience. We see the importance of space-enabled communications and intelligence in the ongoing conflicts, a crucial element of military capability but also ensuring truths are reported and misinformation challenged. Enhancing resilient space-enabled systems enables the EU to establish itself as a global space power, protecting its citizens and institutions, whilst capitalising on the associated economic and technological benefits that it brings to European competitiveness and growth. This session will look at the work that has now started since the adoption of the EUSSD, and the progress that has been made. It will discuss the challenges that still lie ahead and at how all players can contribute to securing Europe and meet and implement the strategic goals. 


  • What does the EU Space Strategy for Security and Defence mean for Europe’s security? What progress has already been made in implementing actions as part of this and what impact can it have on the protection and security of Europe, its citizens, institutions and industries?
  • How can the strategy establish Europe as a leader in space-based security?
  • What partnerships (public and private, national and intergovernmental, regional and international, civil and military) will be necessary to give the Strategy effective and decisive implementation?
  • What challenges and opportunities are presented with the rise of non-state actors in the critical international security crises?
  • How can EU policymakers, Member States and industry come together to anticipate and respond to vulnerabilities in space assets and what impact can the EUSSD have in helping to facilitate this?
Session 9: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence image
Dinka Dinkova
Deputy Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 9: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence image
Stefano Cont
Director, Capability, Armament and Planning (CAP), European Defence Agency (EDA)
Session 9: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence image
Joost Elstak
VP Missions - Europe, ICEYE
Session 9: A Strategic Approach to Space Policy and Defence image
Tomas Hrozensky
Senior Researcher and Lead on European Engagement, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)
15:00 - 15:20
Afternoon Refreshments
15:20 - 16:25
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership

Europe has always been at the forefront of advocating for best practices in various critical aspects of space activities, notably in areas such as safety, security, sustainability, and international cooperation. In the current, increasingly complex, strategic and vulnerable environment both in space and on Earth, promoting these core values and principles is not only essential for fostering responsible space exploration but can also be a key element in promoting Europe as a credible leader in the global space ecosystem. Against the backdrop of the EUSL but also looking more broadly at the way in which Galileo and Copernicus have developed as global benchmarks and are used by international partners all over the world, and at how ESA has collaborated with international partners in multiple areas, including in space exploration and scientific missions; this session will look at key European strengths, and at how these can be leveraged to foster international partnerships and position Europe as a global partner in the international space field. 


  • How can Europe capitalise on its strengths to expand partnerships with key international stakeholders, including space agencies, private companies, and civil society organisations; and to advance its shared goals?
  • How can Europe establish itself as a leading force in developing and deploying space-based capabilities to address civil security challenges both domestically and internationally?
  • What role can Europe’s strong track record in upholding international norms and standards play in establishing its credibility as a leader in space amongst like-minded international partners?
  • What balance can be found between delivering European autonomy and leveraging technical collaboration with international partners and organisations?
  • Looking ahead, what key areas of space exploration and development could be focal points for future European leadership and international collaboration?
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Marjolijn van Deelen
EU Special Envoy for Space / Head of Division for Space, European External Action Service (EEAS)
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Jolanda Van Eijndthoven
Head of Unit for Space Data Economy and International Cooperation, DG DEFIS, European Commission
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Anabelle Fonseca
Senior Administrator, External Relations, European Space Agency (ESA)
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Rolf Kozlowski
Managing Director, DLR GfR
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Yohann Bénard
Public Policy Director, EU Digital & France, Amazon
Session 10: Europe’s Role in Shaping the Future of Space: Leveraging strengths for global leadership image
Linda Van Duivenbode
Director & Board Member, dotSPACE
16:25 - 16:50
Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector

Over the past 2 days, discussions have taken place across all areas of space policy in Europe and focussing broadly around key pillars of sustainability, resilience, economic security, investment sovereignty and cooperation. This session will look to bring everything together by discussing how all these different elements can intertwine to ensure the future success and competitiveness of the European space sector. Key stakeholders will briefly outline their vision for the European space sector in 20 years time, then a room-wide discussion will follow to discuss the path ahead and the roles that different stakeholders will need to play. 

Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector image
Frank Monteny
Frank Monteny, Director General, Research and Space, Belgian Science Policy Office, Federal Science Policy
Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector image
Niklas Nienaß
Member of the European Parliament
Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector image
Natalia Vicente
VP Public Affairs, Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)
Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector image
Charles Galland
Charles Galland, Policy Manager, Eurospace
Session 11: Bringing It All Together – A blueprint to ensure the future of the European space sector image
Christine Leurquin
SVP, EU Space and Defence Strategy, PeriHelion
End of conference
Select date to see events.


Innovation in Space Award 2023

2023 Finalists

  • EXOLAUNCH – Design and Optimization of a Synchronous Spring Pusher-based Separation System for Low-Shock and Low-Tumbling Deployment of Small Satellites (CarboNIX Quadro) (Winner)
  • Dawn Aerospace – Space Plane Launch Program
  • Planet Labs Germany GmbH – H2020 project RapidAI4EO
Sustainability in Space Award 2023

2023 Finalists

  • ENPULSION Spacecraft Technology GmbH (Winner)
  • The Exploration Company – Nyx
  • Dawn Aerospace – Green Propulsion

The ‘Innovation in Space Award‘ and ‘Sustainability in Space Award‘ celebrates European projects and organisations which are at the forefront of innovation and sustainable developments within the space and space technology sectors. Awarded on an annual basis and open to companies and projects of all kinds, the award seeks to recognise the contribution and impact that an organisation or project has had on the space industry and on society more broadly. 

The winner of the awards was selected by a panel of expert judges (including representatives from the European Commission, ESA and leading space and satellites trade associations), with participants at The European Space Forum also getting a say through an audience vote. Nominees were judged on the unique and innovative nature of their service offerings, but also on the impact that they have made on the sector and broader society, their long-term feasibility and scalability; and the potential that they may have for inspiring future actors within the sector.

Timo Pesonen

Timo Pesonen

for Defence Industry and Space (DG DEFIS)


Thomas Dermine

Thomas Dermine

State Secretary for Economic Recovery and Strategic Investments

Government of

Orsolya Ferencz

Orsolya Ferencz

Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research

Government of Hungary

Aarti Holla Maini

Aarti Holla Maini


United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)

Josef Aschbacher

Josef Aschbacher

Director General


Eva Berneke

Eva Berneke

Vice Chair



Eutelsat Group

Rodrigo da Costa

Rodrigo da Costa

Executive Director


Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß

Benedikta von Seherr-Thoß

Managing Director for Peace, Security and Defence

European External Action Service (EEAS)

Toni Tolker-Nielsen

Toni Tolker-Nielsen

Acting Director of Space Transportation


Julie Kearney

Julie Kearney

Chief, Space Bureau

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Christophe Grudler

Christophe Grudler

Member & Rapporteur on the EU Secure Connectivity Initiative

European Parliament

Niklas Nienaß

Niklas Nienaß


European Parliament

Isabella Poldrugo

Isabella Poldrugo

Acting Head of Unit, Space Policy, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Olivier Lemaitre

Olivier Lemaitre

Secretary General


Marc Serres

Marc Serres


Luxembourg Space Agency

Alexander Reissner

Alexander Reissner

CEO & Founder


Anabelle Fonseca

Anabelle Fonseca

Senior Administrator, External Relations


Andrew Williams

Andrew Williams

External Relations Officer


Policy Lead


Charles Galland

Charles Galland

Policy Manager


Charlotte Lang

Charlotte Lang

Public Affairs Manager


Chiara Manfletti

Chiara Manfletti



Christine Klein

Christine Klein

Head of Industrial Policy & Auditing Department


Christine Leurquin

Christine Leurquin

SVP, EU Space and Defence Strategy


Dinka Dinkova

Dinka Dinkova

Deputy Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Enrique Fraga

Enrique Fraga Moreira

General Manager
for Space Systems


Frank Monteny

Frank Monteny

Director General, Research and Space

Belgian Science Policy Office, Federal Science Policy

Gerasimos Sofianatos

Gerasimos Sofianatos

Head of Unit, Radio Spectrum Policy, DG CONNECT

European Commission

Gisela Süss

Gisela Süss

Head of the Legal Services Department


Guillaume de La Brosse

Guillaume de la Brosse

Head of Unit, Innovation and New Space – Space Defence, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Hermann Ludwig Moeller

Hermann Ludwig Moeller


European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Isabelle Mauro

Isabelle Mauro

Director General

Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)

Javier Izquierdo

Javier Izquierdo

Chief Strategy Officer


Jeremy Wilks

Jeremy Wilks

Science Reporter


Jérémie Godet

Jérémie Godet

Jérémie Godet, Head of Unit for Secure Connectivity & Space Surveillance, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Jolanda Van Eijndthoven

Jolanda Van Eijndthoven

Head of Unit for Space Data Economy and International Cooperation,

European Commission

Joost Elstak

Joost Elstak

VP Missions - Europe


Jordi Casanova Tormo

Jordi Casanova Tormo

Head of Telecom & Space, EU Public Policy


Koen Willems

Koen Willems

Vice President, EU Programs & Government Relations

ST Engineering iDirect (Europe)

Kristina Nikolaus

Kristina Nikolaus

CEO and Co-Founder


Linda Van Duivenbode

Linda Van Duivenbode

Director & Board Member


Loïs Miraux

Loïs Miraux

Space Sustainability Expert

Luciana Camargos

Luciana Camargos

Head of Spectrum


Marjolijn van Deelen

Marjolijn van Deelen

EU Special Envoy for Space / Head of Division for Space

European External Action Service (EEAS)

Mariella Graziano

Mariella Graziano

Executive Director, Flight Segment - Aerospace


Mark Dickinson

Mark Dickinson

VP Space Segment


Mauro Facchini

Mauro Facchini

Head of Unit, Earth Observation, DG DEFIS

European Commission

Michael Chang

Michael Cheng

Board Member

The Earth∞Space Sustainability Initiative (ESSI)

Natalia Vicente

Natalia Vicente

VP Public Affairs

Global Satellite Operators Association (GSOA)

Nicolaus Hanowski

Nicolaus Hanowski

Head of Mission Management & Ground Segments Department, Directorate of Earth Observation Programmes


Pascale Ultré-Guérard

Pascale Ultre-Guerard

Strategy Deputy Director


Pierre-Alain Bosc

Pierre-Alain Bosc

Regional Head of Sales for the GeoIntelligence program line

Airbus Defence and Space

Phil Evans

Phil Evans



Raúl Verdú

Raúl Verdú

Co-Founder & Chief Business Development Officer

PLD Space

Rolf Kozlowski

Rolf Kozlowski

Managing Director


Sara Dalledone

Sara Dalledonne

Research Fellow and Lead on Regulatory Affairs

European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Major General Stefano Cont

Stefano Cont

Director, Capability, Armament and Planning (CAP)

European Defence Agency (EDA)

Stela Tkatchova

Stela Tkatchova

Programme Manager for Space

European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

Steven Krekels

Steven Krekels

Director of Valorisation, Environmental Intelligence


Tomas Hrozensky

Tomas Hrozensky

Senior Researcher and Lead on European Engagement

European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)

Walter Ballheimer

Walter Ballheimer


Reflex Aerospace

Yasrine Ibnyahya

Yasrine Ibnyahya

Senior Director Advanced Concepts and Technologies


Yohann Bénard

Yohann Bénard

Public Policy Director,
EU Digital & France


Sponsorship Opportunities

We have various speaking, sponsor, and wider visibility opportunities available at the event. Should you be interested in becoming involved at the European Space Forum please contact Tom Chinnock on / +44 (0) 7785 795 015.

Exclusive speaking positions | Your organisation can contribute to the discussion.

Engaging and interactive format | Engage in a fully immersive and interactive debate with decision makers, businesses and policymakers.

EU and Global Outreach | Convey your message to a broad and international audience.

Networking opportunities | Networking opportunities will be available to all in person attendees throughout the day. 

Visibility opportunities | Ensure maximum visibility through branding in the room, on the event website and marketing activities.

Exhibition and demos area | Showcase your products and solutions or share a position paper with the audience at  onsite exhibition booths.


Please kindly note that this is a fully in-person event, taking place at the Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom. There will be no virtual element to this event.

Organisation Type



Applies to: Corporate, Trade Association, Law Firm/Public affairs firm



Applies to: NGO/Not for profit


Academic / Student

Applies to: Academic / Student



Applies to: National Government / Regulator & Diplomatic Mission to the EU, European Commission / Parliament / Council, EU Permanent Representatives, National Space Agencies, Accredited Journalists


* Please note that fees do not include Belgian VAT @ 21%, and this amount will be added to the total price when you are invoiced.

Partners & Sponsors

GSOA 350x194
Airbus Defence and Space
DLR GfR 350x194
Eutelsat Group 350x194
GMV 350x194
Hispasat for website
ICEYE 350x194
Neuraspace 350x194
okapi for ws
PLD Space
STiDirect 350x194
Reflex Aerospace
Aero Space Lab
encompass for website
logo groundstation dotspace
Spacewatch Global

Practical Information

Event Venue

Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom

Rue Royale 250, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium

If you and your team need a hotel bedroom for the duration of the event, we negotiated a special rate for accommodation at the Hotel nhow Brussels Bloom. Please click here to book your room.


For more information on any aspect of this event, please contact Karolina Stankiewicz using any of the details below.

Karolina Stankiewicz
Event Manager

Forum Europe

+44 (0) 7845 645853

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